The Hardest Part Of Interest-Led Homeschooling {week 16 lesson plan and recap}
I am sharing my personal weekly lesson plans, as well as a recap of our prior homeschool week, every single week in 2022. This is Week 16.
Over the course of the last 16 weeks, one question has come up about my approach to homeschooling, over and over again, from those of you following along with this series. It is some variation of the following:
- How will I know if we are doing enough?
- Will this really work long term?
- What if it doesn’t work and I fail my child?
The Hardest Part Of Interest-Led Homeschooling
For me, this has always been the hardest part.
The unknown. The worry. The fear of failing.
Your questions are the same questions I have asked myself for more than a decade. In fact, the only reason why I agreed to finally share this level of detail about our homeschool is that I graduated my oldest last year and he is now successfully completing his first year of college.
Truth be told, I was just as surprised as any of you that this all worked out as well as it did. Looking back though, I should not have been so surprised.
Taking an interest-led, strength-based approach in your homeschool is not something I made up. It is based in educational theory and research that has proven itself time and time again.
Even in schools, there is more and more discussion around this type of education.
All students (and adults) have strengths and weaknesses. In K-12 education, student weaknesses and areas of concern are sometimes more apparent, while strengths can fade into the background. Over the past decade, there has been a movement in education to be more explicit in addressing student strengths
Before I was able to stay home with my boys, my career exposed me to strength based learning research with Gallup. 15 years later, the research has only gotten stronger in support of individualized, interest-led learning plans.
The reality is that “school” and “learning” can be two totally different things. When I began homeschooling, I was far more focused on schooling my children, not necessarily helping them learn. My children’s unique learning differences forced me (kicking and screaming) away from a traditional approach to learning.
And, somehow, through trial and error, a ton of prayer, and lots of worrying that I wasn’t doing enough, it all worked out.
The reality is that “school” and “learning” can be two totally different things.
I share these lesson plans to reassure you that it can and will work out for you as well. It may not look exactly the same. In fact, it shouldn’t, as your child’s interests and strengths will be different than mine. It may not look the same, but the end result is always more confident, capable learners.
My friend, Kara, is graduating her oldest this year, and she said it best. “The difference will not come down to whether or not I worry hard enough.”
Last Week’s Homeschool Lesson Plans vs. Reality:
- YouTube Video – His choice
- Audiobook and Discussion
- Infusion – 4 hours
- Doctor Appointment (unplanned)
- Audiobook and Discussion
- Infusion – 4 hours
- Drivers Ed Online
- Everyday Math Word Problems
- American History – Roanoke Study
- YouTube Video – His choice, something educational
- Online Voice/Music Lesson – one hour
- Current Events Discussion – read and discuss various news reports
- Drivers Ed Online
- Muscular System Quiz and Word Search
- Beyond Personal Finance
- Spelling list practice
- Online Voice/Music Lesson – one hour
- Rock Climbing with Coach – 2 hours
- Driver’s Ed Module
- CTCMath
- Audiobook and Discussion
- Science: Experiment TBD
- Current Events Discussion – read and discuss various news reports
- Audiobook and Discussion
- CTCMath
- Roanoke – Read Aloud
- Roanoke – YouTube Video
- YouTube Video – Every Way To Cut A Piece Of Wood
- Current Events Discussion – read and discuss various news reports
- Audiobook and Discussion
- Social Time with friends – 1 hour, without me
- Art class – 1 hour, not taught by me
- Rock Climbing with friends – 3 hours
- Audiobook and Discussion
- Social Time with friends – 1 hour, without me
- Art class – 1 hour, not taught by me
- Rock Climbing with friends – 3 hours
- CTCMath
- Current Events Discussion – read and discuss various news reports
- Science Experiment – continued from Wednesday
- YouTube Video – his choice and educational
- Spelling Practice
- CTCMath
- Current Events Discussion – read and discuss various news reports
- Urban Driving Videos – Drivers Ed
- YouTube Video – Dr. Mike, Building Muscle
Our Homeschool Lesson Plans For This Week
- Physical Therapy – 2 hours
- Audiobook and Discussion
- Infusion – 4 hours
Reference Notes: Every Monday, my son has subcutaneous immunoglobin infusions. This means we typically keep learning to a minumum.
- Drivers Ed Online
- Everyday Math Word Problems
- Jamestown – American History
- YouTube Video – His choice, something educational
- Online Voice/Music Lesson – one hour
- Current Events Discussion – read and discuss various news reports
Reference Notes: Tuesdays are our first full school day of the week. Because my son always feels better post-Monday’s infusion, we typically do a large percentage of our more traditional homeschool work on this day.
- Rock Climbing with Coach – 2 hours
- Spelling Practice
- CTCMath
- Audiobook and Discussion
- Science: Experiment TBD
- Current Events Discussion – read and discuss various news reports
- Audiobook and Discussion
- Social Time with friends – 1 hour, without me
- Art class – 1 hour, not taught by me
- Rock Climbing Competition – 3 hours
Reference Notes: We typically spend Thursdays in lessons mostly outside our home. My son attends a program on Thursday afternoons through a local private school. The school is closed this week for Spring Break so we are making do at home.
- Audiobook and Discussion
- Current Events Discussion – read and discuss various news reports
- Prom though the private school he attends on Thursdays. It is open to all high school students, not just juniors and seniors. He is really excited to go. (What in the world is happening??? Hold me.)
New Interest-Led Homeschool Lesson Plans And Updates, Every Week
Free Interest-Led Lesson Planning Pages
More Homeschool Lesson Plans And Recaps
Week One
Week Two
Week Three
Week Four
Week Five
Week Six
Week Seven
Week Eight
Week Nine
Week Ten
Week Eleven
Week Twelve
Week Thirteen
Week Fourteen
Week Fifteen
Prom! Giving you a mama hug!