Welcome to Different By Design Learning
Helping you design a strength based, interest led educational approach that really works for your family !
What we do
Innovative resources and solutions for helping your child with learning differences.
Interest-Led, Strength Based Homeschooling lesson plans and coaching support available.
“I want to thank you for doing this! You are giving me the courage to go forward with an interest-led home-school. I can’t tell you how much seeing what it looks like in real life is so helpful and encouraging. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Carrie G., Homeschool Mom of 3
Hi, I’m Shawna!
Parent coach specializing In Children with differences.
author. Speaker. homeschool mom.
Shawna Wingert is a former training and development professional, turned author and homeschool mom. She has homeschooled her own two unique learners for more than a decade, has written four books about homeschooling children with learning differences, and is passionate about strength-based learning.
Homeschooling and parenting children with learning differences, behavioral challenges and special needs is incredibly challenging. It’s also, in my experience, so very worth it and a lot easier to do when you feel support and encouragement!
Strength Based Homeschooling: Your Guide To Creating A Strength Based Learning Plan
Learning Plan Workbook
Use the same workbook template as Shawna to create your own individualized learning plan.