1st Grade Spelling List And Practice Activities (Top 100)
This first grade spelling list includes not only the standard words for first grade spelling tests, but also many first grade level sight words necessary for reading practice and comprehension. Also included are fun and engaging activities to help your learner practice these words without resistance.
First Grade Spelling List: 100 Top Words For First Graders
- a
- as
- an
- am
- if
- is
- his
- I
- on
- of
- us
- up
- me
- he
- she
- we
- be
- so
- no
- go
- at
- bat
- cat
- hat
- fat
- flat
- mat
- pat
- rat
- sat
- that
- the
- they
- them
- then
- this
- you
- your
- by
- my
- it
- bit
- fit
- hit
- kit
- lit
- pit
- sit
- split
- its
- bet
- get
- jet
- let
- met
- net
- pet
- set
- wet
- mom
- dot
- hot
- lot
- not
- pot
- slot
- spot
- part
- him
- her
- but
- cut
- nut
- shut
- do
- and
- band
- land
- stand
- grand
- can
- fan
- man
- pan
- plan
- ran
- tan
- than
- van
- with
- in
- bin
- chin
- fin
- grin
- pin
- sin
- tin
- win
- find
1st Grade Spelling List Practice Activities
One of the best ways to practice spelling words is NOT worksheets. First graders need multisensory input to help with memorization and retention, as they progress through the spelling stages.
The Power Of Multisensory Spelling Practice
We take for granted that first graders are typically quite active. While we understand this to be developmentally appropriate, what research is showing is that movement and hands-on activities actually aid in academic outcomes.
The easiest and most effective way to teach spelling words is to use multisensory practice.
These activities can help!
1. Scoop & Spell {This Reading Mama}
2. Spell with Cereal {A Mom with a Lesson Plan}
3.Sidewalk Chalk Spelling Hop {Relentlessly Fun, Deceptively Educational}
4. Spell the Most Words Game {No Time for Flashcards}
5. Make a Spelling Word Search Puzzle {This Reading Mama}
6. Spell with Pipe Cleaners {Make and Takes}
7. Dot Sticker Spelling {School Time Snippets}
8. Build Words with Rocks {Sugar Ants}
9.Post-a-Word {This Reading Mama}
10. Go on a Word Treasure Hunt {Hands On: As we Grow}
11. Play Word Rocket {Playdough to Plato}
12. Spell with Beads {Frugal Fun 4 Boys}
13. Spell with LEGO Letters {This Reading Mama}
14. Phonics Jumping Game {Learners in Bloom}
15. Spinning Straw Spellers {Still Playing School}
16. Use a Spelling Dictionary {The Measured Mom}
17. Glitter Spelling {Here Come the Girls}
26. Use Crayon Resist {This Reading Mama}
27. Make a Giant Crossword Puzzle {A Mom with a Lesson Plan}
28. Spell with Your Fingers {Home School Innovation}
29. Use Word Sorts {This Reading Mama}
30. Stamp Your Words {Lessons Learnt Journal}
More Resources For 1st Grade Learning
Keeping the same, multisensory approach in mind, these resources can help across multiple subjects in first grade learning.