
100 Fun And Effective Ways To Practice Sight Words

I put together a comprehensive list of fun and effective ways to practice sight words – because learning to read shouldn’t be boring!

It’s about that time.

It happens to me every single school year, no matter what our circumstances.

I joke about it with my homeschooling friends. Plan all you want, happy little September homeschooling momma, but the resistance is coming. It’s part of homeschooling a struggling learner.

When the resistance begins, I start to regret my life choices and wish for a full-time tutor or an easy, free, and suitable school option. All I want to do is sleep a little and watch a good movie.

After eight years, I know it’s going to happen and so I have started to plan for it a bit. Essentially, this means I plan a few field trips (virtual, right now) and focus on not fighting with my dyslexic son every day of practicing reading until the end of the school year.

100 Fun And Effective Ways To Practice Sight Words

Here’s the thing – my son is making serious progress in reading. The improvement from this time last year is noticeable and I don’t want this slump to impede his learning. (Learn more about the importance of sight words vs. phonics in your homeschool.)

This year, I have proactively put together a list of every single thing I could find to help with practicing sight words. This is the one aspect of reading that we have to keep fun. He has been practicing sight words for seven years, y’all. Seven years. He deserves a little creativity for the sheer tenacity he shows every single time we pull out the word list!

I thought you might find it useful as well. Homeschool preschool activities often lay the foundation. These activities help you take sight words practice to the next level.

In no particular order, here are more than 100 ways to practice sight words!

100 Fun And Effective Ways To Practice Sight Words

1. Bubble Wrap Stomp – still one of our all time favorites!

2. Sight Word Hide and Seek

3. Sight Word Paper Airplanes

4. Sight Word Hopscotch

5. Shoot The Sight Words With Nerf Darts

6. Window Writing With Chalk Markers

7. Ping Pong Ball Jump – Write sight words on ping pong balls and have your child jump to each of them. (This works really well if you have a trampoline.)

8. Ping Pong Ball Throw – Same as above except that you place the balls in a basket. Have your child pick one up, read it and then throw it at a bulls-eye.

100 Fun And Effective Ways To Practice Sight Words

9. Spinny Chair Sight Words – Place flashcards all over the floor. Then, have your child roll in the “spinny” office chair to each one and read it.

10. Sight Word Twister

11. Bathroom Mirror Writing with Chalk Markers

12. Sight Word Water Play

13. Sight Word Shredder – Write the sight words on large pieces of colorful paper. Once your child reads the word proficiently, allow him to shred it.

100 Fun And Effective Ways To Practice Sight Words

14. Shaving Cream Writing

15. Sight Word Slime

16. Jumping Through Hoops

17. Sight Word Bean Bags

18. Sight Word Water Balloons

100 Fun And Effective Ways To Practice Sight Words

19. Sight Word Go Fish

20. Sight Word Memory

21. Sight Word Swat

22. Sight Word Bingo

23. Sight Word Blackout

24. Sight Word Dot Markers

25. Sight Word Pancakes – Playdough to Plato

100 Fun And Effective Ways To Practice Sight Words

26. Pool Noodle Races

27. Sight Word Go Fish.

28. Free Sight Word Coloring Pages

29. Sight Word Stomp!

30. Thread Sight Words and Pipe Cleaners

31. High Five Your Sight Words

32. Roll a sight word

100 Fun And Effective Ways To Practice Sight Words

33. Sight Words I Have, Who Has

34. Sight word dominoes

35. Sight Word Pick up Sticks.

36. DIY Sight Word Puzzles.

37. Hunt For Your Sight Words

38. Squish and Seek Sight Words

100 Fun And Effective Ways To Practice Sight Words

39. Sight Word Egg Flip

40. Sight Word Gumballs

41. Sight Word Soccer

42. Sight Word Showdown

43. Squish and Seek Sight Words  

44. Tissue Paper Sight Words

45. Sight Word Battleship

46. Flash Card Musical Chairs

47. Light Saber Sight Word Practice

48. Cup Crash Sight Word Game

49. Spider Web Sight Word Match

50. Bean Bag Toss Sight Word Game

51. Blowing Down Sight Words

52. Sight Word Spider Web

53. Hippity Hop Sight Word Game

54. Sight Word Drag Racing

55. Sight Word Scramble

56. Sight Word Smash

57. Sight Word Pounding Game

58. Hop On Pop Game

59. Catch the Sight Word

60. Sight Word Island Jumping

61. Sight Word Stackers

62. Sight Word Board Game

63. Eat Your Sight Words

100 Fun And Effective Ways To Practice Sight Words

64. Coffee Grounds Writing – I spilled coffee everywhere one morning. Instead of cleaning it up right away, my son sat down on the floor and wrote his sight words in it for a while. Sensory input and sight word practice in one!

65. Beach Ball Throw

66. Paper Plate Frisbees – Write sight words on paper plates. Have your child read them as you throw them back and forth.

67. Clothes Pin Match Up – Write sight words on clothes pins and have your child match the words to the corresponding flash cards.

68. Dice Roll – Make of list of six sight words. Have your child roll the dice and read the corresponding word.

69. Use Letter Beads To Make Bracelets

70. Good Ol’ Alphabet Fridge Magnets

71. Pick Up Sticks Sight Words Game

72. Sight Word Board Game

73. Chocolate Sight Words Tray

74. Popsicle Stick Sight Word Puzzles

75. Sight Words Parking Lot

76. Scrabble Sight Words

77. Cut and Paste Sight Word Sentences.

78. Popcorn Sight Words

79. DIY Sight Word Puzzles

80. Sight Word Wall Cards

100 Fun And Effective Ways To Practice Sight Words

81. Sight Words Cafe

82. Sticky Note Sight Words.

83. Rainbow Sight Words 

84. Word Building Kit

85. Word Towers!

86. Monster Munch Sight Word Eater.

87. Popsicle Stick Sight Word Game

88. Playdough Sight Word Writing

89. Sight Word Rubbings

90. Sight Word Games with Felt

91. Sight Word Sentences for the Year

92. Marshmallow Sight Words Free Printable

93. Sight Words Fall Scavenger Hunt

94. Sight Word Cloud Activity

100 Fun And Effective Ways To Practice Sight Words

95. Free Printable Sight Word Outlines 

96. Sight Words Snow Globe

97. Chalkboard Sight Word Eggs

98. Jello Pond Sight Word Game 

99. Building Sight Words Activity

100. Sight Word Bowling

100 Fun And Effective Ways To Practice Sight Words

101. LEGO Duplo Sight Words Towers

102. Monster Munch Sight Word Eater

103. Sight Words With Alphabet Stamps 

104. Sight Word Scavenger Hunt

105. Digging for Sight Words

106. Sight Word Jump and Grab

107. Sight Word Zingo (affiliate link – We love this one!)

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