Learning With Paper Airplanes: 5 Steps for Easy, Hands-On Fun
It’s Friday.
And not just any Friday.
It’s our first Friday Fun-Day.
If you have no idea what that means, it’s OK. Friday Fun-Days are simply my attempt to get our act together around here and have some fun while we do it.
I am super excited to introduce you to the very first of 52 activities I will be sharing each Friday this year. The idea is that this will help me stay on track with my boys (and avoid the temptation of checking out completely on Fridays because the week has been long and I am tired and the kitchen’s a mess and…and…and…) and maybe help y’all as well.
This week’s activity might be the easiest all year.
Today are going to make paper airplanes and then fly them as a way to review some of the concepts and sight words we learned in November and December. (My kids have forgotten just about everything from the final few weeks of 2017. The truth is, I had to take some time to refresh my memory as well. A review is definitely in order!)
Friday Fun-Day Activity #1
Here is what you’ll need:
- Letter Sized Paper (for folding paper airplanes)
- 4-5 Larger Pieces of Paper (for the review portion of our activity)
- Tape
- Scissors
- A Marker
- Index Cards
(I did not want to start the year off with a run to the craft store – can I get a witness? These are items we always have on hand. Again, I promised ‘Easy for Mom.’ I got you, girl.)
Learning With Paper Airplanes: 5 Steps for Easy, Hands-On Fun
Step 1: Have your children make as many paper airplanes as they like. Encourage them to make different sizes and experiment a bit, but do not feel any pressure to ask them questions about the physics of flying – that’s a completely different activity.
(If they need help getting started, there are plenty of You Tube videos and Pinterest pins with directions and ideas for folding the perfect paper airplane. To be honest, although it might be great for your kids, I avoid this at all costs. My children are perfectionists and if it even looks a tiny bit different from the video, the activity will be over before we even really get started.)
Step 2: While your children are folding their airplanes, take the larger pieces of paper, fold them in half, and cut varying sizes of half-circles (or ovals, or strange UFO’s or whatever they end up looking like when you are done!).
Step 3: Unfold the larger, now hole-y piece of paper and tape together to form a kind of assortment of targets.
Step 4: Label each of the target holes with different answers to review questions. You can label them with sight words for practice, answers to the multiplication tables, and even just True/False.
Step 5: Ask each child a review question and have them throw an airplane of their choice through the appropriately labeled circle. Change up the answers every once in a while and have fun!
This is the first of many activities I will be sharing throughout the course of the year.
Join Me For Friday Fun-days
Sign-up to receive an email each week for some Friday Fun. In addition to the email, you will also have access to my Exclusive Resource Library.
Throughout the year, the library will house all of the activities in order, along with all the other free resources published and available to subscribers of Not The Former Things. You can pick and choose whatever you’d like, whenever you’d like. (If you already are a part of my email list, no need to sign-up again. You’ll receive the activities on Fridays and can always access them in the library at your convenience!)