Why We Use All About Reading With My Dyslexic Son
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Why We Use All About Reading With My Dyslexic Son

We began homeschooling my youngest son when he was in kindergarten. He loved animals, getting messy and telling terrible jokes. (Five years later, he still does!) Having him home was fun, for both of us, almost all the time. The only exception was when it was time to practice phonics. We tried every single program…

Learning To Drive With Learning Differences:

Learning To Drive With Learning Differences: A Parent’s Guide

A teen with learning disabilities necessarily requires a different approach to academics in school. But what about when it’s time to learn to drive? This parent’s guide to learning to drive with learning differences provides practical resources and support as you get started. My son told me he wanted to get his drivers license almost…

homeschooling dysgraphia
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Homeschooling A Child With Dysgraphia

Homeschooling a child with dysgraphia can be complicated, especially because so few resources exist to support a dysgraphic child. This behind the scenes look illustrates the reality of homeschooling a child with dysgraphia and includes resources to help. In all my years of public school, the only bad grade I ever received on a report…

Practical Help For Struggling Readers
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What Helped My Dyslexic Son Finally Learn To Read: Practical Help For Struggling Readers

Last week, I shared what I wanted you to know most about what helped my dyslexic son finally learn to read. Today, I am sharing all the details of what worked. My youngest son is dyslexic and has struggled to read for as long as he has been trying. Eight full years of flashcards and…

What It’s Really Like When Your Child Is Below Grade Level

What It’s Really Like When Your Child Is Below Grade Level

I know it shouldn’t matter so much, but the truth is, my child isn’t at grade level and it’s really difficult sometimes.  “He is reading at a first-grade level now,” I said to the doctor, holding my breath. “What?” she said with a mix of surprise and concern. “At his age?” I paused for a…

Understanding My Child’s Learning Differences
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Understanding My Child’s Learning Differences

I am only now, nine years into this homeschooling thing, really beginning to understand my child’s learning differences. It has been worth taking the time to really learn what he needs and why. My youngest son was in preschool for two and half years. He loved it. Except when they colored letters, wrote their names,…

That Helped My Dyslexic Child Learn To Read!
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5 Ridiculously Easy Activities That Helped My Dyslexic Child Learn To Read

Helping my dyslexic child learn to read was one of the most challenging and rewarding things in my life. I wrote this post almost five years ago, when we were making the transition to hands-on, out of the box learning.  Maybe you are in the same place I was back then, trying to figure it…

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