Trade School In Your Homeschool? Adding A Vocational Program For High School

The chance to expose our children to a variety of options for their future is a significant benefit to homeschooling. Adding a trade school program to your homeschool provides hands-on, real world experience and exposes our children to options beyond the traditional classroom.

“Do you know that he does not have any plans to go to college?”

When my son’s dentist asked me this question last week, there was a clear undertone of judgement. I responded with as much patience as possible.

“I do know. He and I have had discussions for years about what he would like to do once he graduates. He is brilliant, but has no interest in a classroom or higher education. He really wants to work with his hands and is considering a trade school.”

This stigma in general, as well as what was present in that dentist’s office, makes me want to scream sometimes!

Trade School In Your Homeschool? Adding A Vocational Program For High School

Trade School Opportunities For Homeschool Graduates

While my son has never wavered in his future goals, as he enters his senior year of high school, I have been trying to find ways to expose him to various trades and trade schools.

Because this has been our experience for so long, you can imagine how excited I was to find a brand new, online job skill training program that is accessible for homeschoolers!

Trade School In Your Homeschool? Adding A Vocational Program For High School

Adding Vocational Training To Your High School Homeschool

Bruce Cloney Door Institution is a video based, online curriculum designed to teach learners the in’s and out’s of repairing automatic doors. The lessons cover every aspect of the job, from start to finish, providing visuals and in depth instruction in a way that is accessible and realistic.

Bruce Cloney Door Institution For Online Technical Training

Bruce Cloney Door Institution was created by Bruce, a 32 year field service technician, who tenured with the most successful automatic door companies in the world. He has been running his own flourishing business for the past 18 years – his experience and passion for this trade is evident in the learning. 

The program teaches students how to install & service the automatic doors you use every day – at Target, the airport, the hospital, CVS, and the library. Automatic doors are everywhere and this means they require qualified, skilled technicians to keep them running smoothly!

Bruce Cloney Door Institution: An Overview

This in-depth technical training program contains 57 learning modules with over 64 hours of video training and 57 self quizzes. Students learn at their own pace throughout the course, about every aspect of commercial automatic door service.

From installation to repair, they begin learning with nothing other than a desire to learn, and progress into a fully knowledgeable and employable technician by the end of the program.

Trade School In Your Homeschool? Adding A Vocational Program For High School

Trade School For Non-Traditional Learners

My son sees this program as a stepping stone into his post-secondary life. Here are just a few of the benefits from his 17-year-old perspective:

  • It’s like being an apprentice via video
  • The videos are taught like you are learning from someone one on one and not in a big classroom
  • After completing the whole program, I could go and work for a repair company right away, based on what I am learning

From my perspective as his teacher and mom, I love that he is gaining valuable skills and getting a glimpse into other options outside of the typical, college bound setting.

Trade School In Your Homeschool? Adding A Vocational Program For High School

Add Vocational Training To Your Homeschool Lessons

The ability to expose our children to a variety of options for their future is one of the greatest benefits of homeschooling high schoolers!  Bruce Cloney Door Institution is a great resource to help you do it. 

This 10 minute free preview video will give you a behind the scenes look at the program!

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