The End Of Our Homeschool Year {week 24 lesson plans and recap}
Each week, I share our real life, interest-led homeschool lesson plans. I also include a recap of the week prior, so that you can see what changed in real time. This is week 24 of 2022 – the very last week of our official school year.
This was a bittersweet week for me, as my youngest son completed his first year of high school and is now officially a rising sophomore. Because he is my last child, I find myself wishing it would all slow down.
My son however, was quite happy to move on to summer learning. In fact, now that we have a summer plan in place, both of my boys are looking forward to the learning activities coming up in the next two months.
I spent part of last week prepping my son’s official high school transcript for his freshman year. I will be sharing the transcript itself and the process I use to determine what to include, grades, etc. over the course of the next week.
In the meantime, here is how we ended our school year.
Last Week’s Homeschool Lesson Plans vs. Reality:
I am including some details about activities for both of my children. Although only my youngest is technically homeschooling, it just works better for all of us if I think about both boys in my plan.
- Physical Therapy – 2 hours
- YouTube Video – both boys together
- Blood Plasma Infusion – 4 hours
- Physical Therapy – 2 hours
- YouTube Video – Wildlife Expert
- Blood Plasma Infusion – 4 hours
- YouTube Video – together
- Online Voice/Music Lesson – one hour
- Current Events Discussion – read and discuss various news reports
- Ocean Unit Study
- Doctor’s Appointment (that I forgot to add to our plan last week)
- Online Voice/Music Lesson – one hour
- YouTube – More Wildlife Expert
- Audiobook and Discussion
- Rock Climbing with Coach – 3 hours
- Drivers Ed
- Audiobook and Discussion
- YouTube Video – together
- Current Events Discussion – read and discuss various news reports
- Rock Climbing with Coach – 3 hours
- Drivers Ed
- YouTube – The Mythology Guy
- Ocean Study using You ARE An Artist
- Current Events Discussion – read and discuss various news reports
- Audiobook and Discussion
- Social Time with friends at school – 1 hour
- Art class – 1 hour
- Rock Climbing class – 2 hours
- Audiobook and Discussion
- Social Time with friends – 1 hour
- Art class – 1 hour
- Rock Climbing class – 2 hours
- Trip to record store and discussion of various music genres
- History – taught by brother
- YouTube Video – their choice and educational
- Afternoon field trip to the aquarium
- Free Trial of History Alive! (We are using a ton of free resources this summer – find all the details here.)
- Ocean Study – Oceans vs. Seas and word search
- YouTube – A Third Wildlife Expert
- Trip to luthier for guitar set-up (my oldest builds electric guitars from scratch and needed some tech support). My youngest went back to the rock climbing gym.
Our Homeschool Lesson Plans For This Week
- Physical Therapy – 2 hours
- YouTube Video – both boys together
- Blood Plasma Infusion – 4 hours
Reference Notes: Every Monday, my son has subcutaneous immunoglobin infusions. This means we typically keep learning to a minimum.
- YouTube Video – together
- Online Voice/Music Lesson – one hour
- Current Events Discussion – read and discuss various news reports
- Ocean Unit Study
Reference Notes: Tuesdays are our first full school day of the week. Because my son always feels better post-Monday’s infusion, we typically do a large percentage of our more traditional homeschool work on this day.
- Rock Climbing with Coach – 3 hours
- Drivers Ed
- Audiobook and Discussion
- YouTube Video – together
- Free trial of Vocabulary Quest
- Current Events Discussion – read and discuss various news reports
- Audiobook and Discussion
- Social Time with friends at school – 1 hour
- Art class – 1 hour
- Rock Climbing class – 2 hours
Reference Notes: We spend Thursdays in lessons mostly outside our home. My son attends a program on Thursday afternoons through a local private school.
- History – taught by brother
- YouTube Video – their choice and educational
- Audiobook and discussion
- Live music event for my oldest. Rock climbing for my youngest.
New Interest-Led Homeschool Lesson Plans And Updates, Every Week
Additional Resources For Strength-Based And Interest-Led Homeschooling
Take a look at all of our past lesson plans and recaps!
Research shows that a learner allowed to spend the most time studying in areas of strength, tends to perform exponentially better in all areas including the areas of weakness.
These resources are a great place to start!