Do You Need A Beginning Of The School Year Assessment In Your Homeschool? {Weekly Lesson Plan Recap #32}
As we begin our new homeschool year, I am continuing to share all of our weekly lesson plans as well as a recap of how last week actually went. This is week 32 in this year long series.
Last week was our first official week of the new school year. My son is now in 10th grade and I am wondering where all the time has gone.
With my oldest, 10th grade was when I really started to panic. How would we get through everything I thought we needed to get through? Had I already failed? What would the future hold?
You already know the answer. It all worked out and that child is now a sophomore in college, much to my continued gratitude and disbelief.
Measuring Progress In Your Homeschool
The good news is, I am much less stressed this time around. The bad news is, I am still fighting back the worry.
- What if I am doing this all wrong?
- What if he really can’t read as well as he needs to as a functional adult?
- Even though it all worked out before, what if this child is different?
I could go on and on. My brain has a way of assuming the absolute worst. I know that for many of you, it’s the same.
In the past, these types of fears would prompt a whole host of plans, curriculum buys and forced worksheets.
Not this year.
Completing A Beginning Of The School Year Assessment In Your Homeschool
In the past, I have done more formal beginning of the school year assessments, both through curriculum placement tests and actual standardized testing programs. You may want to consider this, but pleaser know, they never helped me feel better. If anything, they started the school year off with more pressure than was necessary on both me and my children.
For now, I am taking my time with the plan we have in place. You’ll see that we did only a fraction of a typical school week last week. We are easing in, and I am taking some time to assess where he is at with reading and writing in fun and age-appropriate ways.
This includes:
- Texting back and forth
- Sending funny memes to him that require reading
- Reading Aloud (him to me, using an old familiar book)
- Writing Poetry and Song Lyrics
- And yes, a little bit of formal learning through our online curriculum choices
While I will never pretend to have no worries at all, I will say that we are starting off this year with both a determination and a casual grace that feel just right, for both of us.
Last Week’s Homeschool Lesson Plans vs. Reality:
Take a look at our first week back to school.
- YouTube Video
- Blood Plasma Infusion – 4 hours
- Blood Plasma Infusion – 4 hours
- Email Writing Etiquette Review and Practice
- Audiobook and Discussion
- Social Time with friends at school – 1 hour
- Art class – 1 hour
- Voice class – 1 hour
- Social Time with friends at school – 1 hour
- Art class – 1 hour
- Voice class – 1 hour
- Physical Therapy – 2 hours
- Audiobook
- CTCMath
- Physical Therapy – 2 hours
- History – Animals In War Podcast Episode
- Poetry Writing
- CTCMath
- Audiobook and Discussion
- Social Time with friends at school – 1 hour
- Art class – 1 hour
- Rock Climbing Class – 2 hours
- Audiobook and Discussion
- Social Time with friends – 1 hour
- Art class – 1 hour
- Rock Climbing class – 2 hours
- Deliver My Oldest Child Back To College
- Rock Climbing
- Lots of Screen time
- Dorm Room Move-In For Me and My Oldest
Our Homeschool Lesson Plans For This Week
- Physical Therapy – 2 hours
- YouTube Video or Google Search About A Preferred Topic
- Blood Plasma Infusion – 4 hours
Reference Notes: Every Monday, my son has subcutaneous immunoglobin infusions. This means we typically keep learning to a minimum.
- Audiobook and Discussion
- Social Time with friends at school – 1 hour
- Art class – 1 hour
- Voice class – 1 hour
Reference Notes: My son attends classes on both Tuesday and Thursday at a specialized private school.
- Physical Therapy – 2 hours
- CTCMath
- Spelling Practice
- Map Study – South America
- Logic Puzzle
- Audiobook and Discussion
- Social Time with friends at school – 1 hour
- Art class – 1 hour
- Rock Climbing Class – 2 hours
Reference Notes: We spend Thursdays in lessons mostly outside our home. My son attends a program on Thursday afternoons through a local private school and then has rock climbing practice about an hour away. We use the car time to our advantage as much as possible.
- Rock Climbing
- Current Events Discussion
- Chemistry online
- Audiobook and discussion
New Interest-Led Homeschool Lesson Plans And Updates, Every Week
Additional Resources For Strength-Based And Interest-Led Homeschooling
Take a look at all of our past lesson plans and recaps!
Research shows that a learner allowed to spend the most time studying in areas of strength, tends to perform exponentially better in all areas including the areas of weakness.
These resources are a great place to start!
I love this. We are having a similar experience – buy less, get outside more, and more interest-led all the time. We are also foregoing beginning-of-year assessments. Thank you for continuing to share your plans!
I am so glad we are not alone!
How does the learning at the private school fit in with your homeschool curriculum plan ? Does the school learning follow or tie-in with the subjects learnt at home ? Or does it fill gaps by focussing on other areas/subjects ?
It does not have any tie in to our actual homeschool curriculum. He goes for electives and for social skills, etc.