Are We Actually Making Progress In Our Homeschool?
Have you ever found yourself in a season in your homeschool where you know you have been busy – you know there has been learning and progress but it is a struggle to feel good about any of it? That’s me right now.
It’s hard for me to even describe the whirlwind that has been the last couple of weeks. We had our follow-up appointment with the neuro-psych to review the results of my son’s recent evaluation. The results were not at all surprising.
The discussion was however, a good reminder – both of how far we’ve come and also how far we have to go.
Add to it the fact that I am now working and homeschooling and it has been hard to keep track of anything around here.
Is My Child Making Progress In Our Homeschool?
Is he making progress as a homeschooler? This question came up during the meeting.
I tried not to be defensive, because, um, yes, of course he is.
I fumbled a bit when answering this question and then grew more and more frustrated with myself for not being prepared to demonstrate how well he’s doing. (It has honestly been a while. It used to happen all the time, but less as he gets older.)
For a few days, post appointment, I struggled. I worried that I was failing him. I started thinking about all the opportunities I may have missed. I questioned my choices.
Then, my son was taking another practice drivers education test last week. We do these often. Working memory issues mean we need to employ a TON of repetition in our homeschool in order to really retain and master new information.
He decided to try to the test without the audio. He wanted to try to “just” read the questions and see how he performed.
About half-way through, he turned to me and said, “I can totally read this. I don’t even need the audio.”
And he didn’t.
It was one of those moments that feels like a absolute gift from above. He said the reading was easy. This was functional, everyday, adult level reading.
And it was easy for him.
For years, I wasn’t sure we would ever get here. For years, I worried that this type of reading would require some support and accommodation.
Last week, it was easy.
So, is he making progress with in our homeschool, with our learning approach? Yes, he is.
Sometimes, we have to find the things we know are true, but somehow get lost in the day to day.
Keeping Track In Your Homeschool
The big dose of reality compliments of the evaluation, coupled with a whirlwind of various other follow-up medical appointments and honestly, I have no idea what actually happened to the last month of our lives.
The good news is, I keep track of every learning opportunity in a notes app on my phone. It helps me share these posts with you, and it helps me put together his records of learning and transcripts.
Here is a recap of our learning from the last couple of weeks.
Week 10 Lesson Plan Recap
- Monday
- Physical Therapy – 2 hours
- Blood Plasma Infusion – 4 hours
- Drivers Ed Practice
- YouTube Music Trivia
- Tuesday
- Follow-Up Appointment with NeuroPsych
- Audiobook in car – Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
- Wednesday
- Rock climbing – 3 hours
- Mapwork – Find all the locations mentioned in Frankenstein
- CTCMath
- Poetry Writing
- Crash Course – Climate Change
- Thursday
- Rock Climbing – 3 hours
- Music Technology Class
- Time with friends at school
- Audiobook – Frankenstein
- Friday
- Rock Climbing – 3 hours
- CTCMath
Week 11 Lesson Plan Recap
- Physical Therapy – 2 hours
- Blood Plasma Infusion – 4 hours
- Drivers Education Practice
- YouTube – Mathematician Explains Infinity
- Art Class – Using Blender to create a rock climbing wall
- Voice Class
- Audiobook and Discussion
- Current Events Discussion – The Prison System
- Rock climbing – 3 hours
- Audiobook
- Mapwork – More Frankenstein locations
- CTCMath
- Japanese Gothic Tales
- Rock Climbing – 3 hours
- Music Technology Class
- Social Skills Group
- Audiobook in Car – discussion
- Rock Climbing – 3 hours
- CTCMath
- Poetry Writing
- YouTube – Marie Curie
What Did We Actually Cover In These Past Two Weeks?
Here is what the same information looks like if I break it down into a “record of learning”.
Language Arts 10
- Poetry Study and writing
- Literature discussion
- Ancient Japanese Gothic Tales
Integrated Math 10
- Pre- Algebra lessons with CTCMath
- Economics
Social Studies (History, World Cultures, Geography)
- Current Events Discussions
- Europe map work
- Marie Curie
- Brain Science (neurodiversity) with Neuropsych
Physical Education
- Rock Climbing
- Physical Therapy
- Music Technology
- Art
- Voice/Guitar
A Week In Our Homeschool: The Younger Years
Because so many of you are homeschooling younger kids, each week I also share a real record of learning from the past decade.
This is a record of learning from back when my son was 10.
- Reading practice – All About Reading
- Beautiful Feet Books – Geography
- Khan Academy Math
- Trip to Aquarium
- OT
- Speech Therapy
- Gymnastics
Additional Resources For Strength-Based And Interest-Led Homeschooling
Take a look at all of our past lesson plans and recaps!
Research shows that a learner allowed to spend the most time studying in areas of strength, tends to perform exponentially better in all areas including the areas of weakness.
These resources are a great place to start!