14 Outstanding Resources For Homeschooling Children With Learning Differences
“I can’t seem to find anyone who homeschools their child.
My son is 13 and is autistic and epileptic. I have never met anyone else in similar situation. I feel so alone and don’t know if I’m doing anything right. I have nothing to compare it to and no help at all. Any ideas. Thank you.
I feel so alone in homeschooling and don’t know if I’m doing anything right. I have nothing to compare it to and no help at all. Any ideas. Thank you.
I have nothing to compare it to and no help at all. Any ideas?”
A sweet mom emailed me this last week.
It echoes so many others I have read.
Homeschooling children with special needs is so often lonely work.
I want to assure this momma, and every other one just like her, that she is not alone.
Homeschooling children who are different requires a different approach and you never really know if you are “doing it right.”
Everything that I have learned as a homeschooling mom, I’ve learned through trial and error, tons of prayer, and from asking questions anywhere and everywhere I can.
And, ten years in, I still doubt my abilities every single day.
Please know, this post contains affiliate links. My family is grateful for your support!
These are my favorite places to turn when I have questions about homeschooling or just need a little inspiration to keep going:
14 Outstanding Resources For Homeschooling Children With Learning Differences
Recommended Books
Differently Wired By: Deborah Reber
The Spark: A Mother’s Story of Nurturing, Genius, and Autism By: Kristine Barnett
The Explosive Child By: Ross W. Greene, PhD
Different By Sally and Nathan Clarkson
Helping Your Child with Language-Based Learning Disabilities: Strategies to Succeed in School and Life with Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, ADHD, and Processing Disorders By: Daniel Franklin, PhD
Recommended Online Resources
The Homeschool Sisters Podcast
Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers
Homeschooling With Dyslexia (website – includes individualized classes and coaching for parents whether or not they are homeschooling their dyslexic child)
Additional Favorites for Homeschooling With Learning Differences
Audible (for audio books there is no easier solution and they offer a 30-day free trial)
All About Reading (the only reading program that has really worked for us)
Bardsy Homeschool (writing support for struggling learners)
My Top Resources for Homeschooling Children With Learning Differences
Because I feel strongly that homeschooling is a wonderful, but often lonely choice for parents of children with learning differences, I write a lot about it.
In addition to all my free resources here on the blog, I have also written several books for parents of children with differences.
Homeschooling a child with learning differences can be delightful.
It can also be stressful. It can be lonely. It can be difficult.
It’s all these things and more.
If you have considered this option for your child, but are worried that you won’t be able to do it well, you are not alone. Every single mom I know who homeschools her children has exactly this same fear.
And every single one of those children, are learning and thriving.
I to Homeschool my child 8 whit epilepcy and autism.