
The Easiest Way To Create Hands-On Learning Activities

When my youngest was in preschool, he LOVED little figurines.

He is a collector and has been since forever, so in his early years, every little tiny plastic creature became a coveted item of glory around here.

Tiny little shark from the aquarium? A must have.

Ten thousand little 2-inch farm animals? Of course we need a storage solution for them all.

Reptile figurines that mommy steps on 7 times a day? Priceless.

The Easiest Way To Create Hands-On Learning Activities - This activity was a perfect break from the usual and worth every single dollar Not The Former Things, Shawna Wingert

As he has gotten older, his collections have certainly matured. (Ahem, little reptiles are now actually living and breathing in my home. Pray I don’t step on one of those!)

He may be older, but his desire to hold and experience things through a tactile approach to learning has not changed one bit. In fact, that’s why I committed to doing Friday Funday activities here in the first place.

Last week, I randomly found something on Amazon while ordering school supplies that has my son and I giggling with delight.

Did you know TOOBs makes little plastic figurines for older kids too???

Neither did I, until now!

The Easiest Way To Create Hands-On Learning Activities Not The Former Things, Shawna Wingert

This was not sponsored in any way by TOOBs, although I would LOVE it if they’d give me a call. I am pretty sure I would volunteer to be their spokesperson. Also please know that any links to TOOBs are affiliate links. Thank you so much!

I was familiar with TOOBs from his early years, but had no idea that they had anything other than the farm animals and marine life.

Until I saw this little beauty…

The Easiest Way To Create Hands-On Learning Activities

Yes, it’s a TOOB filled with human organ figurines.

This week’s activity simply had to be devoted to this. My son couldn’t wait to open them and honestly, I was a little excited too.

Friday Fun-days: 52 weeks of Easy For Mom Activities

I plan to create an actual study using these hands-on helpers. For this week however, all we did was open the TOOB, dump them out, and see how many organs we could identify without looking it up.

It was easy. It was fun. It was a good review and check for retention from our Human Anatomy Unit last year.

Best of all, it fit right in with how my son learns best.

The Easiest Way To Create Hands-On Learning Activities Not The Former Things, Shawna Wingert

Because this was such a success, next up is Word Landmarks and Around the World Geography TOOBs.

Neither of us can wait.

The Easiest Way To Create Hands-On Learning Activities Not The Former Things, Shawna Wingert

The Easiest Way To Create Hands-On Learning Activities

You’ll see more of these hands-on beauties in the next few weeks as I lay out my curriculum plans for the upcoming school year, but for now, it’s still technically our summer here.

This activity was a perfect break from the usual, super easy, and worth every single dollar.

Think this might work for your learner? This is a list of links for all the TOOBs I have found that will work for older and younger kids alike.

Revolutionary War Continental Army TOOB

Around the World TOOB

Ancient Fossils TOOB

World Landmarks TOOB

Human Organs TOOB

Coral Reef TOOB

The Easiest Way To Create Hands-On Learning Activities Not The Former Things, Shawna Wingert
Happy TOOB-ing and Happy Friday!



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