I volunteered in the school library when my son was in second grade.
I loved it.
The weekly trip to the library was kind-of a big deal for my son’s class and he loved seeing me there in the middle of his school day.
The first time I really understood the allure of Harry Potter was in that dark, little library, when a sweet girl, with a scar drawn on her forehead in red marker, stumbled up to the check-out desk with a gigantic stack of thick books.
Immediately, the librarian came over and said, “Helen, you can only check out one Harry Potter book at a time. Pick one and then next week, you can return it and check out another one.”
Helen started crying.
“But I neeeeeeeed them all.”
Seven years later, I feel little Helen’s pain.
Both of my boys, my husband and now, by sheer proximity, me, are complete and total fans. (We pull up a Harry Potter quiz app at the dinner table and compete against each other, y’all. It’s bad.)
So I guess I shouldn’t have been at all surprised when I asked what we should study this summer and my youngest said he wanted to go to Hogwarts instead. (This is the boy convinced that the owl got lost on his 11th birthday and will eventually show up and prove he is a muggle born wizard.)
At first, I laughed. But then, the more I thought about it, the more the ideas starting flowing.
Homeschool at Hogwarts? Why not?
Homeschooling With Harry Potter – Magical Activities To Make Learning Fun
Easy Make Your Own Harry Potter Wand Activity
Harry Potter Solar System Activity
Harry Potter Money Activity – Make Your Own Galleons, Sickles and Knuts
Hands-On Activities For Every Aspiring Wizard: Write with Quills, Find Your Patronus, Study Hogwarts Textbooks and more!
The more we read the Harry Potter collection of books together, the more conversations we have about real things – courage, making hard choices, and most of all, the power of love against darkness.
I can’t imagine a better way to add a little fun in our homeschool.
Looking for more Harry Potter?
This Harry Potter Word Search is available for free in my subscriber resource library.