Easy And Effective At-Home Sensory Activities

When my oldest son first began occupational therapy more than five years ago, I was a little surprised.

I observed, and even participated a little bit, as his OT took him through all kinds of different activities that honestly just looked like playing around.

Making stress balls and throwing stuffed animals at each other was not what I expected, especially because we were paying out-of-pocket for it.

As time went on though, I learned more and more from his OT about her thought process in selecting certain games and activities. I learned about proprioception and tactile input. More importantly, I saw my son better able to relax and experience life as learned how to regulate his own body.

Please know, although I did receive the Sensory TheraPlay box for review, I was not compensated for this post. I am sharing this because we love it and I think you may too. 

A few years later, my youngest son began to develop extreme sensory sensitivities. So much so that it quickly affected his daily life.

With a limited budget that was already stretched thin by medical bills and cognitive behavioral therapist hours, I decided to put everything I’d learned in all those hours of OT to good use and see what we could accomplish at home. The results surprised me. Because OT with my youngest was part of his normal day, every day, he responded very well and quickly to any sensory activity I could possibly throw at him.

The problem became how to keep up with him and his genuine desire for sensory support and input.

Friday Fun-days: 52 weeks of Easy For Mom Activities

For this week’s Friday Fun-Day activity, I want to introduce you to The Sensory TheraPlay Box. It is a subscription service that send you a monthly box of sensory friendly activities and toys that help kiddos just like my sons. For the past few weeks, many of our hands-on activities have included items from this box and I thought it was time to formally introduce y’all.

Easy And Effective At-Home Sensory Activities

Every month, a purple box filled to the brim with difference sensory options arrives at our door step.

Every month, my son freaks out and tears into the box like it’s Christmas.

Each Sensory TheraPlay Box is carefully curated by a pediatric OT and includes items to help regulate and stimulate our kids’ sensory systems. Here is what she has to say about her monthly selections:

I am happy to say that I am now able to give families the tools they need to engage their child in fun sensory play while promoting the development of important sensory motor skills. The items I select are either:

1. Favorites in the “therapy world” that therapists use

2. “Tried and true” goodies that have had positive feedback from parents

3. Everyday toys that you would see in a toy-store that aren’t necessarily marketed towards special needs children, but that have developmental and sensory benefits.

4. And most importantly…the KIDS’ favorite toys! There are always those items that kids gravitate to or just love to play with.

I find that the monthly fee is reasonable, compared with the amount of money it would cost me to find and purchase the items on my own. Plus, there is no way to describe the added benefit of a monthly surprise arriving for my little guy. Something that is so difficult for him every day becomes special and important when he sees that purple box on the doorstep.

I also find that if there is an activity or toy in the box that is not a great fit for him, I can set it aside and have on hand for friends with younger kiddos or other sensory seekers like mine. We both have found ways to enjoy it!

Please know, I was not paid to write this review. I am sharing this because I have genuinely found it to be an excellent support and easy addition to our weekly hands-on activities. My hope is that it may help you too!

Happy Friday!



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