You might be surprised to learn that homeschooling my children, particularly because of their special needs, has actually made my life easier.

(Not easy – easier.)

Mostly because my oldest son’s experience in school was difficult. It was really, really difficult – for both of us. Homeschooling has never once been harder than that season in our lives.

how do you homeschool a child with special needs #learningdifferences #homeschoolmom #homeschoolingwithspecialneeds

Homeschooling With Learning Differences And Special Needs

If you have considered this option for your child, but are worried that you won’t be able to do it well, you are not alone. Every single momma I know who homeschools her children has exactly this same fear. And every single one of their children, are learning and thriving.

While I don’t think that homeschooling is for everyone, all the time, I do think you should never dismiss it because you are worried about your ability. Like anything else with our children, there are some things we just have to figure out as we go.

Homeschooling is like that, only with field trips and clay.

If you are a momma currently learning at home, I am so glad you are here. We need all the help we can get!

Let’s figure this out together, shall we?

Learning At Home – This Is How We Do It

101 Reasons to Consider Homeschooling Your Child With Special Needs

101 Reasons to consider homeschooling your child with special needs #specialneeds #specialneedsmom #specialneedsparenting #autism #adhd #specialeducation

Can You Homeschool A Child With Special Needs?

Can You Homeschool A Child With Special Needs #specialneeds #homeschool #homeschoolingwithspecialneeds #learningdifferences

When Your Ten Year Old Can’t Read

What Interest-Led Learning Really Looks Like

What Interest-Led Learning Really Looks Like #homeschool #interestled #handsonlearning #homeschoolmom

The Best Way To Help A Child With A Significant Reading Delay

Hands-On Learning and Movement – Why It Matters

The Pressures of Homeschooling Children With Learning Differences


Back To School And The Struggling Learner


More real life homeschooling examples and resources: