I May Have To Homeschool This Fall. What Should I Do?

What Interest-Led Learning Really Looks Like

Today, I’m giving you a peek inside our homeschool. This is what interest-led learning really looks like! My children are both wildly different. My oldest is a thirteen year old, self-professed computer geek with a strong interest in physics, non-fiction and occasionally, reptiles. My youngest is ten, energetic and delighted with any fictional account of…

The Most Important Thing You Can Do To Help Your Child With Sensory Issues

The Most Important Thing You Can Do To Help Your Child With Sensory Issues

Both of my boys have various sensory sensitivities. Today, I’m sharing the most important thing I think you can do to help your child with sensory issues.  It’s hard for me to remember what it was like before we realized my sons’ had significant sensory issues. Both struggle with noise, light, taste and smell. Both…

Everything You Need To Know About Homeschool Curriculum And Reviews

Everything You Need To Know About Homeschool Curriculum And Reviews

It’s the back to school season and curriculum shopping is underway. As you shop, this is what you should know about homeschool curriculum reviews. Everything You Need To Know About Homeschool Curriculum And Reviews When we first began homeschooling, I had NO idea what to do about curriculum. I literally just bought the really expensive,…

This Is What You Need To Know As You Get Ready To Homeschool This Fall

This Is What You Need To Know As You Get Ready To Homeschool This Fall

Don’t worry so much about all the decisions you need to make. This is what I think is most important to know as you get ready to homeschool this fall. I am writing this today more to motivate myself, than anyone else. It’s the second week of July, already. Usually, by now, I have shared…

The Best Homeschool Science Curriculum For Hands-On Activities
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The Best Homeschool Science Curriculum For Hands-On Activities

Looking for a way to make science engaging and fun, that’s actually easy for you? This is the best homeschool science curriculum for hands-on activities.  For the past few months, I have really struggled to come up with new, hands-on activities for my youngest. He loves science, mostly because we have taken such a hands-on…

It’s odd, but this is how we are getting ready for summer learning.

It’s odd, but this is how we are getting ready for summer learning.

I can’t believe we are in the week after Memorial Day and I have not even really thought about summer learning. It’s odd this year, and this is how we are getting ready for summer learning. Summer feels like it snuck up on me this year. It probably feels that way because it kind-of did….

Why Art Is So Helpful For Children With Anxiety
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Why Art Is So Helpful For Children With Anxiety

Why art is so helpful for children with anxiety and creating art therapy at home. Several years ago, my youngest son began experiencing significant anxiety. Sleep issues, separation anxiety and even panic attacks became part of our every day. We saw a therapist. We saw a psychiatrist. Both encouraged me that they would be able…

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