The One Thing I Do For Our Homeschool Every Year

I have already shared a lot about our first year homeschooling.

I won’t go into too much detail in this post, but suffice to say, it was not pretty. 

I struggled to allow my children to be the learners they needed to be. My children struggled with a mom who tried to recreate the very same school environment that caused us to homeschool in the first place.

That first June, I was ready to give up.

(Truth be told, if I felt like were any other options, I probably would have given up.)

The One Thing I Do For Our Homeschool Every Year

In a final, desperate attempt to figure out what I needed to do differently, I purchased a ticket to a local homeschool convention.

It was my first Great Homeschool Conventions event and it was, without a doubt, the best thing I could’ve done that year.

The One Thing I Do For Our Homeschool Every Year


Great Homeschool Conventions provides relevant speakers, helpful workshops and an exhibit hall full of homeschooling options and vendors. I have been to their Southern CA event every single year since that first year and it has benefited me and our homeschool greatly (see what I did there…).

My Experience With Great Homeschool Conventions 

After so many years, I can honestly say that attending Great Homeschool Conventions has been integral in my own growth and development as a homeschool mom. Its like a little dose of inspiration and encouragement to come back to our homeschool, to see the progress my children are actually making and most importantly, to keep going.

I have learned so much from so many wonderful speakers, in the early years when I had no idea what was going on with my children’s learning differences, all the way up until last year, listening to Colleen Kessler speak about Executive Functioning Skills

The One Thing I Do For Our Homeschool Every Year

It’s The One Thing I Do For Our Homeschool Every Year

This year, I am so excited to be attending six of the conventions as speaker!

Great Homeschool Conventions offers a Special Needs Tract, specific to moms of children who have learning differences. I love that they offer this, as homeschooling a child with these types of challenges can be so lonely. How wonderful to be able to learn what we need to learn and meet other moms experiencing the same circumstances.

I am proud to be a featured speaker in this tract for 2020 and can’t wait to meet as many of you as possible!

The One Thing I Do For Our Homeschool Every Year

2020 – GHC Regional Homeschool Convention Dates

  • TEXAS Homeschool Convention, Fort Worth Convention Center, Fort Worth, TX – March 12 – 14, 2020
  • SOUTHEAST Homeschool Convention, TD Convention Center, Greenville, SC, – March 19 – 21, 2020 (I am not able to attend this convention, but the special needs tract will still include powerful speakers that I truly admire!)
  • MISSOURI Homeschool Convention, St. Charles Convention Center, St. Charles, MO, March 26 – 28, 2020
  • MIDWEST Homeschool Convention, Duke Energy Convention Center, Cincinnati, OH, April 16 – 18, 2020
  • CALIFORNIA Homeschool Convention, Ontario Convention Center, Ontario, CA, June 18 – 20, 2020
  • FLORIDA Homeschool Convention, Prime F. Osborn III Convention Center, June 25 – 27, 2020
  • NEW YORK Homeschool Convention, Joseph A. Floreano Rochester Riverside Conv. Ctr, Rochester, NY, July 30 – August 1, 2020

You will find all the information you need HERE, but please feel free to also reach out to me directly with any questions.

It’s the one thing I do each year for our homeschool – this year, I am excited to invite you to come along with me!

Just a note about one more opportunity at the conventions!

Another inspiring event being offered for the first time this year is The Real Mom Tour.

Some of my very favorite moms, both online and in real life,  are hosting a very casual, fun get-together to discuss real mom issues.

Colleen, Pam and Sarah’s topics include:

  • Finding contentment in the age of homeschool social media (or how to be happy staying in your lane).
  • How you can fall more in love with homeschooling right now, without adding more to your to-do list or somehow becoming a supermom.
  • Meeting your kids where they are and enjoying them — without sacrificing their education in the process.

It promises to be fun and encouraging – especially with these three ladies!

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One Comment

  1. I’ve always loved the idea of homeschooling, but feel super intimated attempting it with my special needs child. I love that you’ve been able to find something that works for you and that you’re family is thriving because of it!


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