Starting The School Year Off Right
I love this season.
Getting ready for the start of a new school year means I get to do all the things I naturally love.
Planning our homeschool calendar.
Typing up our daily schedule.
Researching and (even better) ordering and unpacking new books and curriculum options.
Buying new pens and pencils that we don’t need, but look how pretty they are. (Really, this applies to any office supply – I texted my friends from the store the other day asking if they would help me justify buying a golden stapler. I have issues.)
It all feels so refreshing to me – a new year, a fresh start, a lovely golden stapler.
Then the actual learning begins.
It takes a few weeks, but eventually, I know the newness will fade. The crisp, new books will have coffee spilled on them. A few of the darling pencils will be broken by my ten-year-old in frustration during his phonics lessons. The schedule will mock me. And the curriculum will move too fast for either of my boys, and their learning differences.
It is just part of homeschooling these children.
Starting The School Year Off Right
This year, I am committed to one goal, and only one:
Homeschooling will not be the boss of me
Better still, my idea of homeschooling will not be the boss of me….
Please join me today at Simple Homeschool. I am excited to tell you all the ways I am fighting back against my expectation of how things “should be” and instead, homeschooling my children right where they are.
Warning: There might be a gold stapler or two in the mix. School supply shopping is my boyfriend.
I just found your site! I am so overjoyed! I homeschool two girls with dyslexia and high IQ’s and I am feeling like a failure. Last year, I didn’t do much schooling with them at all. Honestly, the struggle of fighting with the attitudes of not wanting to learn left me defeated. ? However, when I look back at their progress in a year, it doesn’t look so bad. Thank you for your words and sharing your struggle. I think I often look around me for benchmarks that don’t apply to my kiddos.
You give me confidence to start new and focus on what my kids need!
Thank you so much for your kind words. 🙂
Welcome! I am so glad you are here.