Special Needs, Homeschooling and Everyday Messes
Today is August 1, 2017.
August 1st is a big day for me.
It’s the day my oldest son was officially, finally diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
It’s also the day I came home, desperate to find resources, and hopeful that there might be someone out there who was experiencing the same thing.
I couldn’t find one.
August 1, 2012Â was the day this blog was born.
Five years later, so much has changed.
Five years later, so much feels exactly the same.
We have several more diagnoses – for both of my sons.
Sjogren’s Syndrome and Lupus
Anxiety Disorder
Panic Disorder
Bipolar Disorder
They blend together now, in a kind of tapestry of grace and crazy that can only be understood in the context of a family.
We have so much more information now about these kids, about what helps them, about hurts them, about what makes them extraordinary. So much has changed in five years. I am grateful for it.
Special Needs, Homeschooling, and Everyday Messes
What hasn’t changed is the feeling.
The intense desire to figure this out, to help where I can, to get them what they need, to love them just as they are and to work to help the world better understand these two amazing human beings.
What hasn’t changed is my commitment to helping other parents, by the grace of God, not feel quite so alone in all of this.
Not The Former Things is no longer just about autism. It’s about life – my life and the life of my two children.
It’s about special needs, homeschooling and the everyday messes of motherhood.
It’s about a peek inside, an honest look and another mom saying, “Me too.”
Many of you have been with me from the very beginning. I adore you for that.
Many of you are new to Not The Former Things. I am grateful you found us and I’m honored you are here.
Happy anniversary.
With so much gratitude and love,
Not The Former Things
Top 5 Posts In 5 Years
Am I Spoiling My Child Or Accommodating His Special Needs?
Traumatic Stress and Autism Moms
When Church Hurts
My Ten Year Old Can’t Read
When Christian Parenting Isn’t Christian
For more on Special Needs Parenting
For more on Homeschooling With Learning Differences
Congratulations on a very special anniversary! March 31, 2016 was my big diagnosis day and a day I’ll remember forever.
I am SO incredibly thankful for the words you share here. I have three kids with varying special needs between the three of them and the first time I read a post of yours was such an encouragement and comfort. Thank you so much for being willing to be vulnerable.
I am so glad you are here! Thank you for your kind words. 🙂