
It’s odd, but this is how we are getting ready for summer learning.

I can’t believe we are in the week after Memorial Day and I have not even really thought about summer learning. It’s odd this year, and this is how we are getting ready for summer learning.

Summer feels like it snuck up on me this year.

It probably feels that way because it kind-of did. All through the month of May, I worked to get my boys back into routine. We also started seeing more of our regular doctors again. By the near- end of the month, it’s actually starting to feel normal around here, just in time for summer and the changes that typically come with it.

We always continue learning throughout the summer (at least we have for the part four or five years). Again, my children need the routine. I need the routine. Most importantly, it helps to not transition at the beginning and end, in and out of our daily learning schedule.

What does change every year is what and how we study. 

In the past we’ve had a Summer at Hogwarts. One year, I created a Hands-On Reading Camp. Summer has been a time to get creative and learn in ways that feel lighter and more fun.

It’a worked well for us. 

Until this year…because at the very end of May, and I had no idea what to do for summer. Neither did my boys.

getting ready for summer learning.

Please know, there are affiliate links below, but these are the actual items we are using for our summer learning. 

It feels weird to share what we came up with – I need to warn you right now.

This feels like we are massively phoning it in  this year. And yet, I actually think it’s going to work.


This Is How We Are Getting Ready For Summer Learning

Last week, in desperation, I asked my boys to sit down with me and look at Amazon. I am not proud of this, but hear me out. 

I gave them each a budget and said that we could each pick three things that we wanted to learn about or experiment with as part of our summer.

That’s it.

We spent hours figuring out the best choices. It was so much fun. They loved it (because shopping on my dime) and I love it because it was so very simple. 

Here a few of of our favorite choices in case you’re curious: 

A Density Kit

My youngest  has been fascinated with these since he saw a YouTuber handle one on a video.

It includes:

  • Set of 1″ cubes for use in science experiments involving density
  • Includes acrylic, oak, pine, poplar, steel, aluminum, copper, brass, nylon, and PVC cubes
  • Comes in wooden storage box

Microscope Slides


getting ready for summer learning.

We have a set of 36 slides already, but the boys decided we could use a few more to spice things up. They also love the idea of creating their own slides this summer.

It includes:

  • Five blank slides and five prepared slides: Pine Stem, Sunflower Stem, Onion Epidermis, Cotton Stem and House Fly Leg.

Alexander Hamilton

Both of my boys are wrapping up a year of US History. When I heard Disney Plus would be showing the movie version of Alexander Hamilton musical in July, we decided to start the biography that inspired it all together, as an audio book. A few other families I work with are doing the same thing, and the timing feels perfect!


Mentos and Diet Coke Experiments

We did this a few weeks ago with just one bottle and a basic spout. As part of our search, the boys found this kit. It allows you to change the flow and stream of the chemical reaction in three different ways. Plus, it’s sticky, fun, and outdoors. 


getting ready for summer learning.

This is clearly the most basic “curriculum list” I have ever shared with you. Although I hesitated to even publish this, I thought maybe, just maybe, you are in the same boat. My hope is that you might feel a little less pressure and have a little more fun this summer!

More Ideas, Support And Encouragement For Getting Ready For Summer Learning

Seven tips for learning at home this summer

Hands-on summer reading activities

Helping my anxious child: our summer learning plan


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  1. stephanie marquardt says:

    We love the geyser tubes. At a co-op science class I taught we had so much fun varying the type of soda to see which shot up the highest. Then we varied flavor of mentos. Such a fun, easy way to play with variables for a science experiment.

  2. ANN CANTRELL says:

    Oh Shawna. You are so cute! These ideas are fabulous! Thank you for sharing this. God has given you so much insight and wisdom and you are a good steward of his gifts to you.

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