Heron Books For Your Hands-On Homeschool Science

Heron Books adds hands-on learning to your homeschool science study. Student activities and beautifully illustrated study cards make the learning come alive.

heron books homeschool curriculum
Although I was compensated for my time in reviewing this product, I only share resources that I find to be helpful for children with unique learning needs.

The Value Of Hands-On Learning In Your Homeschool

I know I say this all the time, but it is still 100% true so I will say it again. My child needs hands-on, tactile enhancements to his learning, if he is to comprehend and retain the information.

When he was younger, it was so much simpler. Sensory activities, arts and crafts, and learning games were plentiful in his elementary years. I had no idea how spoiled I really was.

By the time he was in middle school, finding hands-on homeschooling options became a real struggle. Although he still needed this approach to learn, providing it was not easy.

I spent hours scouring the internet, looking for something that would work for him, but not require me to create it. (I am not super crafty and I have limited time.)

Any time I am able to find a homeschool curriculum that already includes a multisensory, hands-on approach to learning, I am thrilled.

is a program that does just that.

heron books homeschool curriculum

The Fabulous Human Body: Anatomy For Young Scientists from Heron Books

We have been using Heron Books for our human body study this year and I am quite pleased with their approach.

The program includes various options for multisensory multisensory learning and requires no lesson planning for me.

Age Appropriate Student Textbook

has beautiful and engaging color illustrations. Because my child struggles with reading, this is essential. Even better, the approach is mature and age-appropriate (no cute animal clip art or little girl with pigtails in the corner).

heron books homeschool curriculum

Student Learning Guide

The activity workbook includes real life activities to help transfer the learning from the page to everyday life.

At Heron Books, we think learning should be engaging and fun. It should be hands-on and allow students to move at their own pace. For this purpose, we have created an accompanying learning guide to help the student progress through each book, chapter by chapter, with increasing confidence, interest and independence.

Heron Books, Learning Guides Description

Learning Cards

This is what sold me on the program. 39 cards showing illustrations of the parts of the body on the front of each card, and the name and function of the part along with what system it is part of on the back. My son can literally hold the learning in his hands as we study. It’s perfect for a tactile learner!

heron books homeschool curriculum

Hands-On Homeschooling With Heron Books

In addition to the human body study, offers several other options, including an in-depth study of the circulatory system that will likely be next on our list!

No matter what the topic, Heron Books consistently offers:

  • Opportunities for independent learning.
  • A hands-on approach that makes it easy to teach any subject. 
  • No lesson plans required.
  • Highly engaging activities to keep your child interested!

Now is a perfect time to add Heron Books to your homeschool learning. Take 40% off your first purchase with the discount code DifferentByDesign40.

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