This Is What You Need To Know As You Get Ready To Homeschool This Fall
Don’t worry so much about all the decisions you need to make. This is what I think is most important to know as you get ready to homeschool this fall.
I am writing this today more to motivate myself, than anyone else.
It’s the second week of July, already.
Usually, by now, I have shared all my plans for the fall. I have selected curriculum, books, and activities by subject for each of my boys and started to think through how to implement them.
Usually, by now, I am already in full curriculum planning mode.
Not this year.
This year, I am barely keeping it together, trying not to think about the fact that it’s my oldest son’s last year homeschooling or that the outside classes we have come to love are still a distant hope that we will maybe be back to in the spring.
Because it feels so different this year, my plan is to do things a little bit differently.
Rather than share the end result with you, once I have it all figured out, I have decided that this year, I am taking you along for the process itself.
Over the course of the next few weeks, I am going to share with you the various curriculum options I am considering, how I make the final decisions and ultimately, how we transition back to school.
In the meantime, there are a few things I want you to know.
This Is What You Need To Know As You Get Ready To Homeschool This Fall
Every more experienced, homeschool mom I know has her own approach. She has her own opinions and advice to give.
Sometimes it works for another family. Sometimes it doesn’t.
We all have the one book that every homeschooler loves but we did not like at all in our family. Or the math curriculum that everyone swears by, but we stopped using after a month.
What I want you to know, as you start to get ready for your new homeschool year, is that there is no one right answer.
There is no one right way.
You don’t have the find “the” solution.
How Do I Get Ready To Homeschool?
As I shared above, this year, it really does look very different for me.
Instead of fighting it, I plan to instead share the reality of it.
As I said, over the next few weeks, I will share with you the various curriculum options I am considering, how I make the final decisions and ultimately, how we transition back to school.
It may not be an easy year to get ready to homeschool again, but I do know it will be better if we do it together.
Questions To Consider When Selecting Homeschool Curriculum
Want to see what we’ve done to get ready for a new homeschool year before?
Check out these posts from the past few years –
Homeschool Curriculum: Where To Start
What’s The Best Curriculum For Children With Learning Differences?
The Best Advice I’ve Ever Heard About Selecting Homeschool Curriculum
Strength Based Homeschooling: Your Guide To Creating A Strength Based Learning Plan