Ordinary Mom Prayers
I read a book by a very sweet lady earlier this week. In it, she describes how she prays for her children.
Y’all, it was like poetry. Poetry with scripture woven throughout, and so many Biblical references, I felt educated just reading them.
And, I felt inadequate.
And, I felt bad for my boys – because they don’t have the momma who prays those beautiful prayers for them.
And, I felt tired.
These days, my prayers are not pretty. They are not well thought out, consistent or poetic.
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. – Romans 12:12
My prayers are embarrassingly simple, and often have more to do with me begging for something, than really glorifying the God of the universe.
Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. – Jeremiah 29:12
My prayers are hectic. They are fleeting. They are urgent.
In my distress I called to the Lord; I cried to my God for help. – Psalm 18:6
And yet, they are prayers just the same.
Maybe you pray them too?
Ordinary Mom Prayers
Dear God,
Please let him sleep through the night tonight. Please. Amen.
Dear Jesus,
You are so much bigger than all of this. Please help me remember today, when I want to start screaming at these children for dripping dirty, fish poo, salt water all over my I just cleaned it floor, that you are greater. Please. Amen.
Please help the poor momma who messaged me. My heart is broken for her and her child. Send wise doctors and kind therapists to help. I only really know her through the computer, Lord, but you see her every single minute of the day. Help her as only you can. Please. Amen.
I have nothing left. I can’t do this. Not even a little bit. You made me their momma, I know you have a plan for us – but just don’t really know how to actually live in it. I think I need you to take over today. Seriously. The Holy Spirit can just do it all today. Please. Amen.
Oh boy God,
I feel bad that I snapped at my husband for staying in the bathroom for 50 minutes last night, in a not so sly attempt to escape the crazy that is our home. Father, I love him. I am so glad you brought us together. Forgive me and help me ask him to do the same. Help me remember we are on the same team. Please. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ,
That lady was so mean at Target. Granted, she has no idea why my son would actually lie down on the floor and make a “snow angel”, but the judgement was real. I want to pray for her… but I am not sure I have very nice things to say. God, I will just let you handle this one and move on with our day, K? Please. Thank you. Amen.
Dear Jesus,
I am so scared. I know I am not supposed to be. You have us. You say over and over again that love casts out fear, and do not be anxious for anything. But I am still scared and anxious. My sweet boy is hurting and I am not sure how to help him. I can’t even imagine how hard this will be when he is an adult. Help me in my unbelief, in my living all curled up with my fear as if this is somehow bigger than you. Please. Amen.
Oh My Goodness Lord,
You give good gifts. Just look at those two boys snuggling together and chatting about all the boy things. I am blessed. Thank you so much for making me their momma. Amen.
I am overwhelmed by how you have helped us and changed us. Thank you for never leaving us in the midst of all this crazy. Thank you that my son is finally taking his new meds. Thank you that sight words will not actually be the death of me. Thank you that we are figuring this out. You are a good God. Amen.
I see you more and more. I see you in the dark and in the light. I see you in my sons and in my husband. I see you in all the comments on the blog. I see you in my sweet friends and in their children. I see you in text messages from people who I love. I see you in waiting rooms, in other mommas putting one foot in front of the other, and trying everything they can to help their children. Thank you for giving me these glimpses of you.
Thank you for grace and mercy and the chance to start all over when I fail over and over again.
Thank you for cake and wine and every single breakfast food and coffee – God thank you for coffee.
Thank you for newborn baby smell, and my son’s giggles, and the way my boys look when they are fast asleep.
You make beautiful things, Lord.
Thank you.
You are praying from the heart, and that is what the Lord wants. Keep praying 🙂
Beautiful. The Lord understands all our issues and prayers, even though we feel so inadequate.
You could fill a book with these.
It’s said that God knows what we will say before we say it. If so, and we are feeling rough and beaten, I’m not sure there is much point sugar coating our prayers lest we offend Him.
Love it. Thanks Alex!
The thing I think I pray for most is that my daughter will sleep
Thank you for sharing
LOVE IT! Just love it! Thank you, Father, for this post on ordinary mom prayers. It has truly blessed me. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 🙂
Another homeschooling momma with ordinary prayers,
Thank you so much, Tiffiney!