Individualized Learning Plans, Created By Shawna, Made Especially For Your Child, Using The Information You Provide.
Love the idea of helping your child learn in a way that develops
his strengths?
Not sure where to start?
Worried that your child’s only interests are
video games and YouTube videos?
Good news!
You are not alone and you are in the right place.
Different By Design offers two options to create a learning plan for your child that is individualized, focused on strengths, interest-led and completely tailored to your child’s learning needs.
Learning Plan Option #1 –
Work Directly with Shawna
Receive a customized, comprehensive learning plan, created by Shawna Wingert, based on information you provide.
It’s like having an expert and fellow mom, walk right along side you as you help your child learn.
Learning Plan Option #2 –
Use Shawna’s Workbook
Use the same tools and format that Shawna uses with her clients to create your own learning plan.
She guides you through, you do the legwork.
Or, contact Shawna directly via email – [email protected]
What Parents Are Saying…
“Shawna – I haven’t even gotten to the activities and I’m already blown away at your insight just from the strengths and learning goals! I’m so excited about this.”
Mona, mom with a customized learning plan for both of her children
“I am very excited about the plan. I love all the ideas you provide, the flexibility of it, and all the resources. I will spend a good bit of time looking at all the resources you suggest–I truly appreciate how organized you made them, so I can jump to one set or another as I work through the plans you provide. Your suggestions give us more structure, but also a framework that will make us feel a little less all over the place.”
Lydia, mom with a customized learning plan for her 11 year old
“Shawna! This is amazing! I’m so excited and feel super encouraged! Thank you. The resources you pulled together are perfect for him. I can’t wait to get started.”
Jessie, mom with a customized learning plan for her 9 year old
More About Shawna
Shawna Wingert is a special education teacher turned business consultant, and mom of two brilliant boys with differences and special needs.
After completing her student teaching, Shawna made the decision to leave traditional classroom education and instead, work with organizations to train and develop talent. She was invited to attend specialized training at Gallup, Inc. as part of their Strengthfinders program and spent most of her pre-mom career developing individualized training plans focused on strengths.
Her professional background, as well as her real life experience as a mom, give her a valuable and practical perspective. Shawna has written three books for parents of special needs – Everyday Autism, Special Education at Home and Parenting Chaos.
All profits from Different by Design Learning assist the Wingert family in managing medical, educational and therapeutic expenses.
Thank you for your support. It is a honor to serve you and your family.
Copyright 2019 by Shawna Wingert, Different By Design Learning